Category: history of ICT
If your TV show can’t be rewinded, watch it on the IP-TV.
If your tooth is blue, change the device connection.
If the commercials are too long and you get bored to listen them, shut up the TV volume and just watch the pictures on the screen.
From the download of music to the callings over Internet
If you want sending confidential messages at a long distance, switch on and off the button.
If your Kitchen is small and the supply orders are too much. Get ready for a production line batch!
If you want booking an hotel’s room from the street, it’s enough to ring up.
If the photographic paper of your old pictures is faded, computerize and improve it.
In 1950 the engineer Russell A. Kirsch led a project team at US National Bureau of Standards (now National Institute of Standards and Technology) for developing the first programmable computer in America, the SEAC (Standards Electronic Automatic Computer) to experiment algorithms for the National Government Agencies.